When Hikal Pharmaceuticals circulated their RFP for Facility Management at their 5 units across the country, SILA had been posturing itself to take up an increased number of industrial clients in the facility management space. On winning the contract, between January and April 2016 we deployed 200 odd staff in total at their 5 sites. (Taloja – Navi Mumbai, Hinjewadi – Pune, Jigani – Bangalore, Mahad – Maharashtra, Panoli – Gujarat).
Hikal, being a major player in the pharma industry, were required to adhere to a strict set of rules and regulations, and being their Facility Management partners across all sites, we had to adhere to those rules as well. It was critical that we thoroughly understood the depth and weight of their compliances while also keeping in mind our scope of work. A slight misstep could have had serious implications for both of our companies.
To keep these factors in sight at all times, a customised checklist was created for Hikal’s facilities. This checklist ensured that there were no mishaps and no regulatory violations over the course of the last year and a half. Our clean performance has lead to the development of a strong relationship between Hikal Limited which has seen us grow into the role of Hikal’s Facility Management partners.